Impact Report 2022

Legacy Society members have committed to or made a legacy gift to the museum or the Oregon Holocaust Memorial through their estate plans. The museum thanks all Legacy Society members and the Oregon Jewish Community Foundation for their stewardship through the LIFE & LEGACY program.

We appreciate every gift and have endeavored to confirm the accuracy of all names. In the event of an error or omission, please contact the museum.


Anonymous [6]
Eva E. Aigner
Leslie G. Aigner z”l
Barbara Atlas
Gloria Bacharach z”l
Evelyn Banko
Jan Baross
Gerel Blauer z”l
Lynn Bliss
George Bodner z”l
Ruth Bolliger
Lynne Chassin
Nathan Cogan
Elaine Coughlin
Kathleen Derrick
Bernice Gevurtz
Lesley and Bob Glasgow
Julie and Ira z”l Gottlieb
Gerald Green
Miriam Greenstein z”l
Kathrine N. Grinnell
Helaine Gross and Paul Norr
David Hassin
Deborah Herzberg
Lisa Kaner, Peter Glade, Jordan Edelson and Zoe Edelson
Lynn and Tetsuya Katsumoto
Jakob Kryszek z”l
Jonathan Lander
John Laursen
Nira and Leonard z”l Levine
Wendy and Howard Liebreich
Diana Lindemann
Eva Lowen z”l
Philip Mandel
Judy Margles and Steven Wasserstrom
Toinette and Victor Menashe
Andrea Meyer
Lana and Alan Miller
Debbi and Alan Montrose
Deb Mrowka
Leah Nepom z”l
Gloria Borg Olds
Michael Olds
Ella Ostroff z”l
Steve Reinisch
Jane Rosenbaum z”l
Eve and Alan S. Rosenfeld
Madelle Rosenfeld
Stanley Rosenfeld
Ruth Roth
John Shipley
Jill Ann Slansky
Corinne and Laurence Spiegel
Rabbi Joshua Stampfer z”l
Deirdre Steinberg and David Newman
Peter Wigmore
Clarice Wilsey
Jen and Ken Zeidman

Thank You 2022 Donors!

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